Kamis, 19 April 2012

soal latihan astronomi 1

1. Bulan memerlukan waktu paling tidak 2 menit untuk terbit dilihat dari Bumi. Berapa lama Bumi memerlukan waktu untuk terbit dilihat oleh seorang pengamat dari Bulan?
a. 2 menit
b. 4 menit
c. 6 menit
d. 8 menit
e. Bumi tidak terbit dan tidak tenggelam

2. On the sunlit side of the Moon the sky appears …
A. white because of the extreme brilliance of the sunlight
B. black because the Earth blocks the light
C. blue due to the Moons' atmosphere
D. black because the Moon lacks an atmosphere
E. black because the Moon has a dense atmosphere

3. You are adrift at sea, and you see a star directly overhead. You remember from your astronomy lab at N.C. State that this star has a declination of 42 degrees South, and a Right Ascension of 8 hours. From this information alone, you know that …
A) You are adrift at a point north latitude 42 degrees.
B) You are adrift at a point south latitude 42 degrees.
C) You are adrift at a point west longitude 8 degrees.
D) You are adrift at a point south latitude 48 degrees.
E) A and C

4. If you lived on the Moon, would the motion of the planets appear any different than from Earth?
A. The motion of the planets would not appear significantly different than on the Earth.
B. The planets would not appear to go around the Moon.
C. The planets would not appear to go around the Earth.
D. The planets would not appear to go around the Sun.
E. None of the above

5. You are carried away by an alien spacecraft to a different star planetary system. You are set down on a planet with cloudless skies. After some time, you notice five planets in the sky. Three retrograde after greatest eastern elongation with the "sun"; two at opposition. From this observation, you infer that, in a heliocentric model, you are on the _____ planet outward from the "sun".
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
E. fifth

6. When Venus sets after sunset …
a. Venus is west of the sun
b. Venus is east of the sun
c. Venus could be either east or west of the sun depending on the month.
d. it is a mistake because Venus never sets after sunset
e. it must be moving retrograde

7. Pernyataan tentang gerak planet yang tepat adalah ...
A. Planet Venus mungkin saja terlihat saat tengah malam
B. Planet Jupiter tidak mungkin tertutup oleh bulan Purnama
C. Planet Mars selalu nampak berdekatan dengan Matahari
D. Planet Merkurius tidak mungkin nampak melintas di depan piringan Matahari
E. Planet Saturnus bisa mengalami gerak retrogade

8. Peristiwa yang tidak tepat berhubungan dengan pengamat yang ada tepat di kutub utara adalah ...
A. Matahari paling tinggi ada di 23,50 di atas horizon
B. Pada bulan Desember, Matahari tidak terbit
C. Semua arah adalah arah selatan
D. Bisa mengamati rasi Centaurus di bulan-bulan tertentu
E. Bintang Polaris menjadi bintang sirkumpolar

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